
Who Offers the Best Deals on Gold Scrap?

Some of the best deals on gold scrap are often found online, and while this is not the only means, it is the fastest and most profitable, as many items that are for sale online, like coins, are not priced with respect to the current gold price, making them very profitable if acquired at the right price.  There are a great number of outlets online and off that offer actual scrap and using these, in combination with the other resources, have led to some impressive profits for many clever individuals.

Refineries and Dealers

Refineries and gold scrap dealers are both excellent resources for obtaining valuable stock, as well as some of the best places to sell gold scrap, as these are the main entities behind the majority of the advertisements for mailing scrap that are so prevalent today.  While these outlets are not the best for making huge profits with one deal, they are some of the best outlets to purchase and sell gold scrap in bulk.

Online Shopping

In a direct response to the extremely high gold scrap price, just over $1,400 an ounce right now, many clever entrepreneurs have taken to the ether in an attempt to locate discounted jewelry and coins to then turn and sell as gold scrap.  While this can become a tedious task, outlets like E-Bay have search parameters that one can set to act like an online surveillance system to watch for the items and price ranges desired.

Selling Your Own

Just as the online environment is a great place to find these items, it is also a great place to sell your own old jewelry or collectibles, and with a little research and the employment of an online gold scrap calculator, getting the most for them is easy as can be.  The same outlets that are used for monitoring the current price and market conditions are also some of the best for finding outlets online and local shops looking to buy gold scrap.